pemidanaan 2

Jumat, 26 Januari 2024

pemidanaan 2

aktiivitas, hubungan, status orang atau 
kepentingan  manusia ; 
2. Jurisdiction to enforce, yaitu kedaulatan negara untuk menerapkan atau 
melaksanakan hukum yang telah ditetapkan.  
3. Jurisdiction to adjudicate, yaitu kedaulatan negara untuk mengadili seseorang 
atau entities   melalui pengadilan dengan tujuan untuk menentukan telah 
terjadinya suatu  pelanggaran hukum. 
Dalam Jurisdiction to prescribe dari  negara, berkaitan dengan: 
       a) suatu perbuatan yang seluruhnya atau sebagian dilakukan dalam wilayah 
negara ini ; (b) status orang, atau kepentingan-kepentingan terjadi dalam 
wilayah negara ini ; (c) suatu perbuatan yang dilakukan di luar wilayah 
negara ini  yang mempunyai atau ditujukan untuk menimbulkan akibat 
pada  negara ini ; 
       Aktivitas, kepentingan, status, dan hubungan yang dilakukan warga negara di 
luar wilayah  dipandang sama dengan di dalam wilayah negara ini ; 
       perbuatan tertentu yang dilakukan di luar wilayah negara oleh orang yang 
bukan warga negara secara langsung ditujukan pada  keamanan suatu negara 
atau kelompok terbatas dari kepentingan-kepentingan negara lain.8 
usaha  suatu negara untuk ikut menciptakan keamanan dan perdamaian dunia 
diantaranya yaitu  dengan ikut menanggulangi berbagai kejahatan internasional/ 
transnasional yang mengancam dan membahayakan warga  internasional 
berdasar  prinsip-prinsip jurisdiksi dan prinsip-prinsip hukum yang berlaku umum 
yang dalam penegakannya memerlukan kerjasama dengan negara lain dan termasuk 
dalam lingkup hukum internasional. 
B. Kedudukan Hukum Internasional dalam Pembangunan Hukum Indonesia 
Dalam hukum nasional, hukum internasional diakui sebagai salah satu sumber 
hukum, disamping sumber hukum lainnya seperti Undang-undang, doktrin, 
yurisprudensi, dan kebiasaan. Berkaitan dengan hal ini, dalam hubungan hukum 
internasional dengan hukum nasional telah melahirkan beberapa pandangan 
berkaitan dominasi hukum dari kedua bidang hukum ini , yaitu teori dualisme 
dan monisme yang terbagi dua : teori monisme dalam primat hukum nasional dan 
teori monisme dengan primat hukum internasional.  
Walaupun hukum internasional bukan merupakan bagian dari hukum nasional 
namun praktiknya dalam pembentukan hukum nasional hukum internasional 
menjadi sumber hukumnya, apalagi  negara ini  telah meratifikasi perjanjian 
internasionalnya.  Hukum internasional sebagai bagian dari keseluruhan hukum yang 
mengatur hidup manusia --sebagaimana hukum nasional--, dewasa ini dalam praktik 
internasional merupakan hukum yang ditaati dan hukum nasional tunduk pada 
hukum internasional yang berlaku. Berkaitan dengan hal ini , menurut Mochtar 
Kusumaatmadja dan Etty R. Agoes dengan melepaskan dari  masalah struktural 
organis,  pandangan paham monisme dengan primat hukum internasional lebih 
memuaskan.9 Tunduknya hukum nasional pada hukum internasional lebih 
didasarkan pada kebutuhan manusia untuk hidup secara teratur baik dalam 
negaranya maupun yang melintasi batas negara (internasional). berdasar  
Konvensi Wina 1969 Article 27 suatu negara tidak boleh menjadikan hukum 
nasional sebagai alasan untuk tidak mematuhi perjanjian internasional. 
Dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional Tahun 2005-2025, 
pembangunan hukum di Indonesia yang merupakan prioritas  meliputi  
pembangunan substansi hukum, struktur hukum termasuk aparat hukum, sarana dan 
prasarana hukum, serta kesadaran dan budaya hukum warga .  Pembangunan 
hukum dilaksanakan melalui pembaruan hukum dengan tetap memperhatikan 
kemajemukan tatanan hukum yang berlaku dan pengaruh globalisasi  sebagai usaha  
pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kepastian hukum,  perlindungan hukum, penegakan 
hukum dan HAM, kesadaran hukum, serta pelayanan hukum yang berintikan  
keadilan dan kebenaran, ketertiban, dan kesejahteraan dalam rangka 
penyelenggaraan negara yang makin tertib dan teratur sehingga  pembangunan 
nasional berjalan lancar.10  Pembaruan produk hukum diarahkan untuk 
menggantikan peraturan perundang-undangan warisan kolonial agar sesuai dengan 
nilai-nilai sosial, kepentingan warga  Indonesia dan mendorong tumbuhnya 
kreativitas serta melibatkan warga  untuk mendukung pelaksanaan 
penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan pembangunan nasional.   
Dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional salah satu 
permasalahan pembangunan nasional yang terkait dengan hukum internasional 
yaitu  meningkatnya kejahatan transnasional seperti penyelundupan, narkotika, 
pencucian uang dan terorisme. Oleh sebab  itu salah satu prioritas dalam 
pembangunan nasional yaitu  peningkatan keamanan, ketertiban, dan 
penanggulangan kriminalitas dengan menegakkan hukum dengan tegas, adil, dan 
tidak diskriminatif; meningkatkan kemampuan lembaga keamanan negara; 
meningkatkan peran serta nasyarakat untuk mencegah kriminalitas, ganggungan 
keamanan dan ketertiban; mencegah dan menanggulangi penggunaan dan 
penyebaran narkoba secara ilegal; meningkatkan kesadaran hukum warga ; dan 
memperkuat kerjasama internasional untuk memerangi kriminalitas dan kejahatan 
lintas negara. Dalam hal ini terkandung makna perlu dilakukannya harmonisasi 
hukum nasional dengan hukum internasional, sehingga kerjasama internasional 
dalam penegakan hukum ini  dapat efektif. Dalam hukum pidana internasional 
ada  prinsip double/dual criminality berkaitan dengan kerjasama internasional 
dalam penegakan hukum pada  tindak pidana internasional/transnasional. Kriteria 
suatu tindak pidana merupakan tindak pidana internasional :  
1. Unsur internasional  
Suatu tindak pidana yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung mengancam 
keamanan dan perdamaian dunia serta mengguncang rasa kemanusiaan 
(direct/indirect threat to world peace and security and shocking to the conscience 
of humanity). 
2. Unsur transnasional 
Tindak pidana ini  menimbulkan  akibat pada lebih dari satu Negara; 
dilakukan atau menimbulkan akibat pada warga negara lebih dari satu Negara; 
dan memakai  sarana atau metode yang melewati batas-batas Negara. 
3. Unsur necessity   
Adanya kebutuhan pentingnya dilakukan kerjasama antar negara untuk 
penegakan hukum 
4. Bassiouni menambahkan unsur tingkat keseriusan dari tindak pidana. 
Dalam era globalisasi pembangunan hukum nasional tidak dapat mengabaikan 
perkembangan dalam dunia internasional. Menurut Sunarjati Hartono dalam 
pembangunan hukum nasional harus diperhatikan keserasian antara falsafah dan 
kebutuhan negara, bangsa, dan warga  dengan norma-norma hukum 
internasional yang diakui sah oleh bangsa-bangsa di dunia.12 Sejalan dengan 
pandangan ini , menurut  Muladi dalam konteks alasan pembaharuan hukum 
pidana nasional disamping   didasarkan pada alasan-alasan politis, sosiologis, dan 
praktis juga didasarkan pada alasan adaptif dalam arti harus menyesuaikan diri 
dengan perkembangan-perkembangan baru, khususnya perkembangan 
internasional yang sudah disepakati oleh warga  beradab.13  
Dalam mengadopsi kaidah-kaidah hukum internasional ke dalam hukum nasional 
diprioritaskan yang berkaitan dengan masalah-masalah hukum yang bersifat 
netral dan tidak sensitif dengan nilai-nilai yang berlaku dalam warga  
Indonesia untuk mencegah terjadinya kontradiksi dalam warga  yang pada 
akhirnya akan bertentangan dengan tujuan hukumnya. 
Implementasi prinsip-prinsip dan kaidah-kaidah hukum internasional dalam 
hukum nasional, terutama dalam bidang hukum pidana harus dilakukan secara 
hati-hati dan selektif tidak hanya mempertimbangkan sifat dan dampak  dari 
tindak pidana internasional ini  namun  juga dengan mempertimbangkan hal-
hal berikut : 
1. Nilai-nilai yang berlaku dalam warga  Indonesia; 
2. Prinsip-prinsip dan sistem hukum pidana Indonesia; 
3. Kemampuan dan kesiapan aparat penegak hukum; 
4. Kedudukan negara Indonesia sebagai negara yang berdaulat; 
5. Kepentingan nasional lainnya dalam kerangka menghindari intervensi 
kepentingan-kepentingan asing.   
Dalam praktik pembangunan hukum nasional, khususnya pembangunan substansi 
hukum,     hukum internasional  mempunyai kedudukan dan pengaruh yang relatif 
penting. Pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan nasional yang didasarkan 
pada hukum internasional antara lain: Undang-undang Narkotika, Psikotropika, 
Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang, Hak Asasi Manusia, Pengadilan HAM, Tindak 
Pidana Perdagangan Orang, Perlindungan Anak, Undang-undang di bidang Hak 
Kekayaan Inteletual, dan seterusnya. Pembentukan perundangan-undangan 
ini  didasarkan pada ketentuan-ketentuan dalam perjanjian internasional baik 
yang diratifikasi maupun tidak. 
Demikian juga dengan implementasi putusan-putusan mahkamah pidana 
internasional (international tribunal) dalam praktik peradilan pidana nasional 
harus dilakukan secara hati-hati dan memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip dan kaidah  kaidah hukum positif yang berlaku. Putusan mahkamah pidana internasional 
bukan merupakan dasar hukum dalam proses peradilan pidana nasional.  
C. Pengaruh Hukum Pidana Internasional pada  Hukum Pidana Indonesia 
1.   Hubungan Hukum Internasional dan Hukum Pidana Nasional 
Dalam abad ini hukum internasional telah menunjukkan peran yang relatif 
penting   dalam mengatur hubungan antar subjek hukum internasional baik 
antara negara dengan negara, negara dengan subjek hukum internasional bukan 
negara  maupun antar  subjek hukum internasional bukan negara.14 Hal ini  
berkaitan dengan meningkatnya hubungan-hubungan antar subjek hukum 
internasional dan interdependensi dalam usaha  menanggulangi berbagai 
masalah internasional yang dihadapi negara-negara didunia. Terlebih lagi dalam 
era teknologi transportasi, informasi dan komunikasi semakin memudahkan 
subjek hukum internasional untuk melakukan hubungan-hubungan diantara 
mereka. Saat ini hubungan-hubungan internasional ini  tidak lagi 
menyandarkan pada proses kebiasaan internasional (customary international 
law) yang relatif lambat dalam pembentukan kaidah hukum internasional namun  
pada perjanjian internasional seperti traktat, konvensi, atau bentuk lainnya, dan 
keputusan-keputusan Pengadilan Internasional seperti  Mahkamah Internasional 
Permanen (Permanent Court of International Justice), Mahkamah Internasional 
(International Court of Justice), dan Mahkamah Arbitrase Permanen 
(Permanent Court of Arbitration)  yang walaupun tidak mempunyai kekuatan 
mengikat namun mempunyai pengaruh besar dalam perkembangan hukum 
internasional. 15   
Demikian pula halnya dengan hukum pidana internasional yang merupakan 
perpaduan antara hukum internasional   dan hukum pidana.16 Sejalan dengan 
meningkatnya  kejahatan-kejahatan yang bersifat internasional atau 
transnasional hukum pidana internasional juga berkembang semakin pesat dan 
dalam era globalisasi telah menunjukkan peran yang sangat signifikan dalam 
usaha  penanggulangan kejahatan-kejahatan yang mengancam keamanan dan 
perdamaian dunia. Dalam perkembangan akhir-akhir ini sumber-sumber hukum 
pidana internasional,  seperti  perjanjian internasional (treaties) dan 
keputusan Pengadilan Internasional (the decision of international court) telah 
banyak membentuk kaidah-kaidah hukum pidana internasional dan 
mempengaruhi perkembangan hukum pidana nasional.  Berbagai perjanjian 
internasional ini  antara lain : Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia, Kovenan Hak 
Sipil dan Politik, Konvensi Hak Anak, Konvensi tentang Narkotika dan 
Psikotropika, Konvensi tantang Genosida, Konvensi tentang Hijacking, 
Konvensi tentang Terorisme, Konvensi tentang Korupsi, Konvensi tentang 
Kejahatan Transnasional Terorganisasi, Statuta Roma, dll.  sedang  putusan 
Pengadilan Internasional antara lain : International Military Tribunal at 
Nuremberg, International Military Tribunal for the Far East (Tokyo), 
International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, International Criminal 
Tribunal for Rwanda, dll. 
Persetujuan suatu Negara untuk mengikatkan diri pada suatu perjanjian 
internasional dapat dilakukan dengan penandatanganan, ratifikasi, pernyataan 
turut serta atau aksesi (accession) atau penerimaan (acceptance).19 Suatu negara 
dapat mengikatkan diri dengan penandatanganan perjanjian tanpa ratifikasi bila 
negara-negara peserta sepakat bahwa perjanjian ini  berlaku sesudah  
ditandatangani tanpa menunggu ratifikasi dan dinyatakan demikian dalam 
perjanjian ini . Adakalanya persetujuan mengikatkan diri pada  suatu  
perjanjian internasional dengan penandatanganan ini  masih memerlukan 
pengesahan atau ratifikasi dari badan yang berwenang di negaranya, seperti 
dalam Konvensi Palermo tentang Transnasional Organized Crime dimana 
Indonesia ikut menandatangani Konvensi ini  dan 2 dari 3 protokolnya 
yaitu mengenai Smuggling Migrants dan Trafficking in Person, namun untuk 
pemberlakuannya masih harus dilakukan  ratifikasi. Suatu negara juga dapat  
meratifikasi atau mengaksesi suatu perjanjian internasional walaupun tidak ikut 
menandatangani perjanjian ini .  
Untuk perjanjian internasional di bidang hukum pidana internasional 
persetujuan mengikatkan diri suatu negara sebaiknya dilakukan dengan 
ratifikasi dan perlu dibentuk undang-undang pelaksanaannya (implementing 
legislation) sebab  akan berkaitan dengan perlindungan hukum pada  
kepentingan-kepentingan hukum di negara ini . Berkaitan dengan hal ini 
menurut Mochtar Kusumaatmadja pengundangan dalam undang-undang 
nasional mutlak diperlukan bila  diperlukan perubahan undang-undang 
nasional yang langsung menyangkut hak warga negara. Misalnya bila  turut sertanya Indonesia pada suatu konvensi memicu  bahwa suatu perbuatan 
menjadi suatu tindak pidana (kriminalisasi) yang sebelumnya bukan merupakan 
tindak pidana atau ada perubahan mengenai sanksi pidananya.20 
Dalam Pasal 9 ayat (2) UNDANG-UNDANG No. 24 Tahun 2000 tentang 
Perjanjian Internasional ratifikasi atau pengesahan perjanjian internasional 
dilakukan dengan Undang-undang atau Keputusan Presiden.  Perjanjian 
internasional yang pengesahannya dilakukan dengan undang-undang yaitu  
perjanjian internasional mengenai   : 
a. masalah politik, perdamaian, pertahanan, dan keamanan negara; 
b. perubahan wilayah atau penetapan batas wilayah negara Republik 
c. kedaulatan atau hak berdaulat negara; 
d. hak asasi manusia dan lingkungan hidup; 
e. pembentukan kaidah hukum baru; 
f. pinjaman dan/atau hibah luar negeri. 
Perjanjian internasional dengan materi yang tidak termasuk ini  di atas 
pengesahannya dilakukan dengan Keputusan Presiden. berdasar  ketentuan 
ini  ratifikasi perjanjian internasional yang dilakukan negara Indonesia ada 
yang dilakukan oleh badan eksekutif dan sistem campuran, yaitu badan 
eksekutif dan legislatif. 
2. Pengaruh Hukum Pidana Internasional pada  Politik Hukum Pidana 
dan Pemidanaan dalam Hukum Pidana Nasional Indonesia 
Perjanjian internasional yang mengatur tindak pidana internasional relatif 
banyak mempengaruhi pembentukan hukum pidana nasional, baik dengan 
meratifikasi perjanjian internasionalnya maupun dengan mengadopsi prinsip-
prinsip atau kaidah-kaidah hukum yang diatur dalam perjanjian internasional 
ini . Hal ini dapat dilihat dari Undang-undang atau Keputusan Presiden 
yang mengatur tentang pengesahan suatu perjanjian internasional, konsiderans  
atau Penjelasan Umum dari suatu Undang-Undang atau dari kaidah-kaidah 
hokum yang dirumuskan dalam Undang-Undang.  
Dalam perundang-undangan hukum pidana Indonesia pengaruh hukum pidana 
internasional nyata dengan jelas baik dalam undang-undang atau Keppres 
ratifikasi maupun dalam prinsip-prinsip atau kaidah-kaidah hukum yang diatur 
dalam perundang-undangan hukum pidana. Berikut perundang-undangan 
hukum pidana nasional yang dibentuk sebagai Undang-Undang pelaksana 
(implementing legislation) dari ratifikasi perjanjian internasional atau yang 
dibentuk dengan mendasarkan pada suatu perjanjian internasional, walaupun 
perjanjian internasional ini  tidak diratifikasi :  
a) Undang-undang No.4 Tahun 1976 tentang Perubahan dan Penambahan 
beberapa Pasal dalam KUHP Bertalian dengan Perluasan Berlakunya 
Ketentuan Perundang-undangan Pidana Kejahatan Penerbangan dan 
Kejahatan pada  Sarana/Prasarana Penerbangan. 
Undang-undang No. 4 Tahun 1976 merupakan Undang-Undang pelaksana 
dari Undang-undang No. 2 Tahun 1976 tentang Pengesahan Konvensi 
Tokyo 1963, Konvensi The Hague 1970 dan Konvensi Montreal 1971 
sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam konsiderans mengingat angka 4. Kaidah-
kaidah hukum dalam Konvensi-konvensi ini  yang berkaitan dengan 
pembentukan Undang-undang kejahatan penerbangan yaitu  : 
a.   Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board 
Aircraft (Tokyo Convention 1963) 
Chapter I Scope of the Convention 
Article 1  
This Convention shall apply in respect of: offences against penal law; 
acts which, whether or not they are offences, may or do jeopardize the 
safety of the aircraft or of persons or property therein or which 
jeopardize good order and discipline on board. Except as provided in 
Chapter III, this Convention shall apply in respect of offences 
committed or acts done by a person on board any aircraft registered in a 
Contracting State, while that aircraft is in flight or on the surface of the 
high seas or of any other area outside the territory of any State. For the 
purposes of this Convention, an aircraft is considered to be in flight 
from the moment when power is applied for the purpose of take- off 
until the moment when the landing run ends. This Convention shall not 
apply to aircraft used in military, customs or police services. 
Article 2  
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 4 and except when the 
safety of the aircraft or of persons or property on board so requires, no 
provision of this Convention shall be interpreted as authorizing or 
requiring any action in respect of offences against penal laws of a 
political nature or those based on racial or religious discrimination.  
Capter  II Jurisdiction  
Article 3  
The State of registration of the aircraft is competent to exercise 
jurisdiction over offences and acts committed on board. Each 
Contracting State shall take such measures as may be necessary to 
establish its jurisdiction as the State of registration over offences 
committed on board aircraft registered in such State. This Convention 
does not exclude any criminal jurisdiction exercised in accordance with 
national law.  
Article 4  

A Contracting State which is not the State of registration may not 
interfere with an aircraft in flight in order to exercise its criminal 
jurisdiction over an offence committed on board except in the following 
cases: the offence has effect on the territory of such State; the offence 
has been committed by or against a national or permanent resident of 
such State; the offence is against the security of such State; the offence 
consists of a breach of any rules or regulations relating to the flight or 
manoeuvre of aircraft in force in such State; the exercise of jurisdiction 
is necessary to ensure the observance of any obligation of such State 
under a multilateral international agreement.  
b.  Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (The 
Hague Convention 1970 
Article 1 
Any person who on board an aircraft in flight: 
a. unlawfully, by force or threat thereof, or by any other form of 
intimidation, seizes, or exercises control of, that aircraft, or attempts 
to perform any such act, or  
b. is an accomplice of a person who performs or attempts to perform 
any such act commits an offence (hereinafter referred to as "the 
Article 2 
Each Contracting State undertakes to make the offence punishable by 
severe penalties. 
Article 4 
1. Each Contracting State shall take such measures as may be 
necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the offence and any other 
act of violence against passengers or crew committed by the alleged 
offender in connection with the offence, in the following cases:  
a. when the offence is committed on board an aircraft registered in 
that State;  
b. when the aircraft on board which the offence is committed lands 
in its territory with the alleged offender still on board;  
c. when the offence is committed on board an aircraft leased 
without crew to a lessee who has his principal place of business 
or, if the lessee has no such place of business, his permanent 
residence, in that State.  
2. Each Contracting State shall likewise take such measures as may be 
necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the offence in the case 

where the alleged offender is present in its territory and it does not 
extradite him pursuant to Article 8 to any of the States mentioned in 
paragraph 1 of this Article.  
3. This Convention does not exclude any criminal jurisdiction 
exercised in accordance with national law.  
 Article 6 paragraph 1 
Upon being satisfied that the circumstances so warrant, any Contracting 
State in the territory of which the offender or the alleged offender is 
present, shall take him into custody or take other measures to ensure his 
presence. The custody and other measures shall be as provided in the 
law of that State but may only be continued for such time as is 
necessary to enable any criminal or extradition proceedings to be 
Article 7 
The Contracting State in the territory of which the alleged offender is 
found shall, if it does not extradite him, be obliged, without exception 
whatsoever and whether or not the offence was committed in its 
territory, to submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose 
of prosecution. Those authorities shall take their decision in the same 
manner as in the case of any ordinary offence of a serious nature under 
the law of that State. 
Article 8 
1. The offence shall be deemed to be included as an extraditable 
offence in any extradition treaty existing between Contracting 
States. Contracting States undertake to include the offence as an 
extraditable offence in every extradition treaty to be concluded 
between them.  
2. If a Contracting State which makes extradition conditional on the 
existence of a treaty receives a request for extradition from another 
Contracting State with which it has no extradition treaty, it may at 
its option consider this Convention as the legal basis for extradition 
in respect of the offence. Extradition shall be subject to the other 
conditions provided by the law of the requested State.  
3. Contracting States which do not make extradition conditional on the 
existence of a treaty shall recognize the offence as an extraditable 
offence between themselves subject to the conditions provided by 
the law of the requested State.  
4. The offence shall be treated, for the purpose of extradition between 
Contracting States, as if it had been committed not only in the place 

in which it occurred but also in the territories of the States required 
to establish their jurisdiction in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 
Article 10 
1. Contracting States shall afford one another the greatest measure of 
assistance in connection with criminal proceedings brought in 
respect of the offence and other acts mentioned in Article 4. The law 
of the State requested shall apply in all cases.  
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not affect 
obligations under any other treaty, bilateral or multilateral, which 
governs or will govern, in whole or in part, mutual assistance in 
criminal matters.  
c.  Convention for The Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of 
Civil Aviation (Montreal Convention 1971)   
Article 1 
1. Any person commits an offence if he unlawfully and intentionally: 
(a) performs an act of violence against a person on board an aircraft 
in flight if that act is likely to endanger the safety of that aircraft; or 
(b) destroys an aircraft in service or causes damage to such an 
aircraft which renders it incapable of flight or which is likely to 
endanger its safety in flight; or (c) places or causes to be placed on 
an aircraft in service, by any means whatsoever, a device or 
substance which is likely to destroy that aircraft, or to cause damage 
to it which renders it incapable of flight, or to cause damage to it 
which is likely to endanger its safety in flight; or (d) destroys or 
damages air navigation facilities or interferes with their operation, if 
any such act is likely to endanger the safety of aircraft in flight; or 
(e) communicates information which he knows to be false, thereby 
endangering the safety of an aircraft in flight. 
2.   Any person also commits an offence if he: 
(a) attempts to commit any of the offences mentioned in paragraph 1 
of this Article; or (b) is an accomplice of a person who commits or 
attempts to commit any such offence 
Article 5 
1.  Each Contracting State shall take such measures as may be necessary 
to establish its jurisdiction over the offences in the following cases: 
(a) when the offence is committed in the territory of that State; (b) 
when the offence is committed against or on board an aircraft 
registered in that State; (c) when the aircraft on board which the 
offence is committed lands in its territory with the alleged offender 
still on board; (d) when the offence is committed against or on board 

an aircraft leased without crew to a lessee who has his principal 
place of business or, if the lessee has no such place of business, his 
permanent residence, in that State. 
2.  Each Contracting State shall likewise take such measures as may be 
necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the offences mentioned in 
Article 1, paragraph 1 (a), (b) and (c), and in Article 1, paragraph 2, 
in so far as that paragraph relates to those offences, in the case 
where the alleged offender is present in its territory and it does not 
extradite him pursuant to Article 8 to any of the States mentioned in 
paragraph 1 of this Article. 
3. This Convention does not exclude any criminal jurisdiction exercised 
in accordance with national law. 
Article 6 Paragraph 1 
Upon being satisfied that the circumstances so warrant, any Contracting 
State in the territory of which the offender or the alleged offender is 
present, shall take him into custody or take other measures to ensure his 
presence. The custody and other measures shall be as provided in the 
law of that State but may only be continued for such time as is 
necessary to enable any criminal or extradition proceedings to be 
Article 7 
The Contracting State in the territory of which the alleged offender is 
found shall, if it does not extradite him, be obliged, without exception 
whatsoever and whether or not the offence was committed in its 
territory, to submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose 
of prosecution. Those authorities shall take their decision in the same 
manner as in the case of any ordinary offence of a serious nature under 
the law of that State. 
Article 8 
1. The offences shall be deemed to be included as extraditable offences 
in any extradition treaty existing between Contracting States. 
Contracting States undertake to include the offences as extraditable 
offences in every extradition treaty to be concluded between them. 
2. If a Contracting State which makes extradition conditional on the 
existence of a treaty receives a request for extradition from another 
Contracting State with which it has no extradition treaty, it may at 
its option consider this Convention as the legal basis for extradition 
in respect of the offences. Extradition shall be subject to the other 
conditions provided by the law of the requested State. 
3. Contracting States which do not make extradition conditional on the 
existence of a treaty shall recognize the offences as extraditable 

offences between themselves subject to the conditions provided by 
the law of the requested State. 
4. Each of the offences shall be treated, for the purpose of extradition 
between Contracting States, as if it had been committed not only in 
the place in which it occurred but also in the territories of the States 
required to establish their jurisdiction in accordance with Article 5, 
paragraph 1 (b), (c) and (d). 
Article 9 
The Contracting States which establish joint air transport operating 
organizations or international operating agencies, which operate aircraft 
which are subject to joint or international registration shall, by 
appropriate means, designate for each aircraft the State among them 
which shall exercise the jurisdiction and have the attributes of the State 
of registration for the purpose of this Convention and shall give notice 
thereof to the International Civil Aviation Organization which shall 
communicate the notice to all States Parties to this Convention. 
Article 11 
1. Contracting States shall afford one another the greatest measure of 
assistance in connection with criminal proceedings brought in 
respect of the offences. The law of the State requested shall apply in 
all cases. 
2.  The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not affect 
obligations under any other treaty, bilateral or multilateral, which 
governs or will govern, in whole or in part, mutual assistance in 
criminal matters. 
Dengan berdasar  Konvensi-Konvensi ini  dalam Undang-undang  
No. 4 Tahun 1976  diatur ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut : 
a. Perluasan prinsip jurisdiksi teritorial yang diatur dalam Pasal 3 KUHP 
meliputi kedaraan air atau pesawat udara Indonesia. 
b. Perluasan prinsip jurisdiksi perlindungan yang diatur dalam Pasal 4 
angka 4 KUHP meliputi pembajakan kapal di laut dan pembajakan 
pesawat udara.   
c. Penambahan ketentuan Pasal 95 KUHP dengan Pasal 95 a mengenai 
pengertian pesawat udara, Pasal 95 b mengenai pengertian dalam 
penerbangan, dan Pasal 95 c mengenai pengertian dalam dinas. 
d. Penambahan Bab XXIX A tentang Kejahatan Penerbangan dan 
Kejahatan pada  Sarana/Prasarana Penerbangan (Pasal 479a-479r). 
b) Undang-undang No. 15 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang 
jo. Undang-undang No. 25 Tahun 2003 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-
undang No. 15 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang. 

Dalam konsiderans menimbang dan mengingat Undang-undang Tindak 
Pidana Pencucian Uang tidak ada rumusan yang menyatakan bahwa 
pembentukan Undang-undang ini  berkaitan dengan ratifikasi suatu 
perjanjian internasional. Namun demikian tidak berarti bahwa pembentukan 
Undang-undang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang tidak terkait dengan  suatu   
perjanjian internasional. Perkembangan pengaturan money laundering tidak 
terlepas dari perjanjian internasional yang terkait dengan masalah ini . 
Para pakar hukum pidana berpandangan bahwa masalah money laundering 
berkaitan dengan United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in 
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 (Konvensi Perserikatan 
Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Pemberantasan Peredaran gelap Narkotika dan 
Psikotropika, 1988), yaitu mengenai tindak pidana asal (predicate crime) dari 
tindak pidana pencucian uang, yang awal mulanya berasal dari tindak pidana 
narkotika. Dalam United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in 
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 dirumuskan beberapa 
ketentuan khususnya berkaitan dengan tahapan proses money laundering 
yang meliputi tahapan : placement (penempatan), layering (transfer), dan 
integration (penggunaan kekayaan), yaitu Article 3 tentang Offences and 
Sanctions ayat 1 huruf (b) dan (c), sebagai berikut : 
(1)  Each Party shall adopt Duch measures as may be necessary to establish 
as criminal offences Ander its domestic law, when committed 
intentionally : 
(b) (i) The confersion or transfer of property, knowing that Duch property is 
derived from any offence or offences established in accordance with 
subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, or from an act of participation in 
such offence or offences, for the purpose of concealing or disguising 
the illicit origin of the property or of  assisting any person who is 
involved in the commission of such an offence or offences to evade 
the legal consequences of his actions; 
      (ii)The concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, location, 
disposition, movement, rights with respect to, or ownership of 
property, knowing that such property is derived from an offence or 
offences established in aoccordance with subparagraph (a) of this 
paragraph or from an act of participation in such an offence or 
(c) (i) The acquisition, possession, or use of proverty, knowing, at the time 
receipt, that such property was derived from an offence or offences 
established in accordance with subparagraph (a) of this paragraph or 
from an act of participation in such an offence or offences. 
     (iv) Participation in, association or conspiracy to commit, attempts to 
commit and aiding, abetting, facilitating and counseling the 
commission of any of the offences established in accordance with 
this article. 

Walaupun dalam Undang-undang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang tidak 
menunjuk pada UN Convention ini , namun dari substansinya (tindak 
pidananya) terkait dengan Konvensi Menentang Peredaran Gelap Narkotika 
dan Psikotropika ini , yang telah diratifikasi melalui Undang-undang 
No. 7 Tahun 1997 tentang Pengesahan Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-
Bangsa tentang Pemberantasan Peredaran gelap Narkotika dan 
Psikotropika, 1988 (United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in 
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988). Dengan demikian 
maka  Undang-undang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang  juga termasuk 
Undang-undang pelaksana dari Konvensi ini , khususnya Article 3 ayat 
1 huruf (b) dan (c).  
Disamping terkait dengan United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic 
in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 pembentukan 
Undang-undang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang juga terkait  dengan 
konvensi lain, khususnya mengenai   predicate crime dari money laundering 
seperti tindak pidana korupsi, penyelundupan orang (smuggling migrant), 
perdagangan manusia (trafficking in person), perdagangan gelap senjata api, 
terorisme, dll., sebagaimana dirumuskan dalam Penjelasan Umum, 
walaupun tidak dinyatakan  secara tegas perjanjian internasionalnya. Tindak 
pidana-tindak pidana ini  merupakan rationae  materiae  dari Palermo 
Convention 2000 (United Nations Convention against Transnational 
Organized Crime) dengan 3 protokolnya dan Konvensi-konvensi tentang 
Terorisme. Dalam Palermo Convention 2000, rationae materiae-nya yaitu  
tindak pidana korupsi dan tindak pidana pencucian uang, sedang  3 
protokolnya yaitu  : Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking 
in Person, Especially Woman and Children, Protocol against Smuggling of 
Migrants by Land, Sea, and Air, dan Protocol against the Illicit 
Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms. Pemerintah Indonesia sudah 
menandatangani   Konvensi Palermo beserta Protokolnya   kecuali Protokol 
mengenai perakitan dan perdagangan gelap senjata api, namun sampai saat 
ini belum meratifikasinya.   Beberapa ketentuan dalam Palermo Convention 
2000 yang mengatur tindak pidana pencucian uang yaitu  : 
a. Pengertian (Article 1 Statement of  purpose) : 
(e) “Proceeds of crime” shall mean any property derived from or 
obtained, directly or indirectly, through the commission of an 
(h) “Predicate offence” shall mean any offence as a result of which 
proceeds have been generated that may become the subject of an 
offence as defined in article 6 of this Convention; 
b. Kriminalisasi Pencucian Uang Hasil Kejahatan (Article 6 
Criminalization of the laundering of proceeds of crime) : 
Article 6 
(1) Each State Party shall adopt, in accordance with fundamental 
principles of its domestic law, such legislative and other measures as
may be necessary to establish as criminal offences, when committed 
(a) (i) The conversion or transfer of property, knowing that such 
property is the proceeds of crime, for the purpose of concealing 
or disguising the illicit origin of the property or of helping any 
person who is involved in the commission of the predicate 
offence to evade the legal consequences of his or her action; 
(ii) The concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, 
location, disposition, movement or ownership of or rights with 
respect to property, knowing that such property is the proceeds 
of crime; 
(b) Subject to the basic concepts of its legal system:  
(i)The acquisition, possession or use of property, knowing, at the 
time of receipt, that such property is the proceeds of crime; 
(ii) Participation in, association with or conspiracy to commit, 
attempts to commit and aiding, abetting, facilitating and 
counselling the commission of any of the offences established in 
accordance with this article. 
(2) For purposes of implementing or applying paragraph 1 of this 
(a) Each State Party shall seek to apply paragraph 1 of this article to 
the widest range of predicate offences; 
(b) Each State Party shall include as predicate offences all serious 
crime as defined in article 2 of this Convention and the offences 
established in accordance with articles 5, 8 and 23 of this 
Convention. In the case of States Parties whose legislation sets 
out a list of specific predicate offences, they shall, at a 
minimum, include in such list a comprehensive range of 
offences associated with organized criminal groups;  
(c) For the purposes of subparagraph (b), predicate offences shall 
include offences committed both within and outside the 
jurisdiction of the State Party in question. However, offences 
committed outside the jurisdiction of a State Party shall 
constitute predicate offences only when the relevant conduct is a 
criminal offence under the domestic law of the State where it is 
committed and would be a criminal offence under the domestic 
law of the State Party implementing or applying this article had 
it been committed there; 
(d) Each State Party shall furnish copies of its laws that give effect 
to this article and of any subsequent changes to such laws or a 
description thereof to the Secretary-General of the United 

(e) If required by fundamental principles of the domestic law of a 
State Party, it may be provided that the offences set forth in 
paragraph 1 of this article do not apply to the persons who 
committed the predicate offence; 
(f) Knowledge, intent or purpose required as an element of an 
offence set forth in paragraph 1 of this article may be inferred 
from objective factual circumstances. 
c. Pertanggungjawaban pidana (Article 10 Liability of legal persons) : 
Article 10 
(1) Each State Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary, 
consistent with its legal principles, to establish the liability of legal 
persons for participation in serious crimes involving an organized 
criminal group and for the offences established in accordance with 
articles 5, 6, 8 and 23 of this Convention. 
(2) Subject to the legal principles of the State Party, the liability of legal 
persons may be criminal, civil or administrative.  
(3) Such liability shall be without prejudice to the criminal liability of 
the natural persons who have committed the offences. 
(4) Each State Party shall, in particular, ensure that legal persons held 
liable in accordance with this article are subject to effective, 
proportionate and dissuasive criminal or non-criminal sanctions, 
including monetary sanctions.  
d. Pemidanaan (Article 11 Prosecution, Adjudication, and sanctions) : 
Article 11 
(1) Each State Party shall make the commission of an offence 
established in accordance with articles 5, 6, 8 and 23 of this 
Convention liable to sanctions that take into account the gravity of 
that offence. 
(6) Nothing contained in this Convention shall affect the principle that 
the description of the offences established in accordance with this 
Convention and of the applicable legal defences or other legal 
principles controlling the lawfulness of conduct is reserved to the 
domestic law of a State Party and that such offences shall be 
prosecuted and punished in accordance with that law. 
berdasar  pengaturan   dalam United Nations Convention Against 
Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 kaidah-
kaidah yang diadopsi dalam UNDANG-UNDANG Tindak Pidana 
Pencucian Uang yaitu  mengenai perbuatan-perbuatan yang dikriminalisasi 
menjadi tindak pidana pencucian uang sebagai implementasi dari ketentuan 
Article 3 (1) UN Convention ini . Demikian juga dengan ketentuan 
Article 6 (1) Palermo Convention yang mengatur norma yang sama dengan 
Article 3 (1) United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic 
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 yaitu agar negara pihak  
melakukan kriminalisasi tindak pidana pencucian uang dalam hukum 
nasionalnya. Disamping itu dalam Palermo Convention 2000 dirumuskan 
mengenai  perlu adanya pemidanaan pada  tindak pidana pencucian uang 
sebagaimana diatur dalam Article 11 (6). Perumusan sistem sanksi dalam 
UNDANG-UNDANG Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang tidak didasarkan 
pada Konvensi sebab  tidak mengatur sistem sanksi (pidana) namun  
didasarkan pada sistem pemidanaan yang berlaku di Indonesia.  
Pengaturan mengenai tindak pidana pencucian uang juga ada  
dalam United Nations Convention Against Corruption, 2003 (UNCAC), 
yaitu : 
a. Pengertian :  
Article 2 Use of Terms : 
(e) “Proceeds of crime” shall mean any property derived from or 
obtained, directly or indirectly, through the commission of an 
(f)“Freezing” or “seizure” shall mean temporarily prohibiting the 
transfer, conversion, disposition or movement of property or 
temporarily assuming custody or control of property on the basis of 
an order issued by a court or other competent authority; 
(g) “Confiscation”, which includes forfeiture where applicable, shall 
mean the permanent deprivation of property by order of a court or 
other competent authority; 
(h) “Predicate offence” shall mean any offence as a result of which 
proceeds have been generated that may become the subject of an 
offence as defined in article 23 of this Convention;  
b.Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang :  
Article 23 Laundering of Proceeds of Crime : 
1.  Each State Party shall adopt, in accordance with fundamental 
principles of its domestic law, such legislative and other measures as 
may be necessary to establish as criminal offences, when committed 
(a) (i) The conversion or transfer of property, knowing that such 
property is the proceeds of crime, for the purpose of 
concealing or disguising the illicit origin of the property or 
of helping any person who is involved in the commission of 
the predicate offence to evade the legal consequences of his 
or her action;  
(ii) The concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, 
location, disposition, movement or ownership of or rights 
with respect to property, knowing that such property is the 
proceeds of crime;  
(b) Subject to the basic concepts of its legal system:  
(i) The acquisition, possession or use of property, knowing, at 
the time of receipt, that such property is the proceeds of 
(ii) Participation in, association with or conspiracy to commit, 
attempts to commit and aiding, abetting, facilitating and 
counselling the commission of any of the offences 
established in accordance with this article.  
2. For purposes of implementing or applying paragraph 1 of this article:  
(a) Each State Party shall seek to apply paragraph 1 of this article to 
the widest range of predicate offences;  
(b) Each State Party shall include as predicate offences at a 
minimum a comprehensive range of criminal offences 
established in accordance with this Convention;  
(c) For the purposes of subparagraph (b) above, predicate offences 
shall include offences committed both within and outside the 
jurisdiction of the State Party in question. However, offences 
committed outside the jurisdiction of a State Party shall 
constitute predicate offences only when the relevant conduct is a 
criminal offence under the domestic law of the State where it is 
committed and would be a criminal offence under the domestic 
law of the State Party implementing or applying this article had 
it been committed there;  
(d) Each State Party shall furnish copies of its laws that give effect 
to this article and of any subsequent changes to such laws or a 
description thereof to the Secretary-General of the United 
(e) If required by fundamental principles of the domestic law of a 
State Party, it may be provided that the offences set forth in 
paragraph 1 of this article do not apply to the persons who 
committed the predicate offence.  
Article 24  
Without prejudice to the provisions of article 23 of this Convention, 
each State Party shall consider adopting such legislative and other 
measures as may be necessary to establish as a criminal offence, when 
committed intentionally after the commission of any of the offences 

established in accordance with this Convention without having 
participated in such offences, the concealment or continued retention of 
property when the person involved knows that such property is the 
result of any of the offences established in accordance with this 
c) Undang-undang No. 5 Tahun 1997 tentang Psikotropika 
Undang-undang Psikotropika merupakan undang-undang  pelaksana dari 
ratifikasi  Convention on   Psychotropic Substances, 1971 (Konvensi   
Psikotropika, 1971) melalui Undang-undang No. 8 Tahun 1996 sebagaimana 
dinyatakan dalam konsiderans mengingat angka 3. Undang-undang 
Psikotropika juga mengadopsi kaidah-kaidah dalam United Nations 
Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic 
Substances, 1988 yang menyempurnakan Convention on   Psychotropic 
Substances, 1971, walaupun  baru diratifikasi sesudah  diundangkannya 
Undang-undang Psikotropika, yaitu melalui Undang-undang No. 7 Tahun 
1997. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari Penjelasan Umum Undang-undang 
Psikotropika yang merujuk pada   Konvensi Narkotika dan Psikotropika 
ini .  
Kaidah-kaidah  yang diatur  dalam Convention on   Psychotropic Substances, 
1971 yaitu  : 
c. Pengertian : 
Article 1 Use of Terms : 
(e) “Psychotropic substance” means any substance, natural or synthetic, 
or any natural material in Schedule I, II, III or IV.  
Bahan-bahan psikotropika  yang  termasuk Schedule I yaitu:  
Brolamfetamine DOB, Cathinone, DET, DMA, DMHP, DMT, 
DOET, Eticyclidine, PCE, Etryptamine, LSD, LSD-25, MDMA, 
Mescaline, Methylaminores, MMDA, N-Ethyl MDA, N-Hydroxy 
MDA, Parahexyl, PMA, Psilocine, Psilotsin, Psilocybine, 
Rolicyclidine, PHP, PCPY, STP, DOM, Tenamfetamine MDA, 
Tenocyclidine, TCP,  Tetrahydrocannabinol, TMA. 
Bahan-bahan psikotropika  yang  termasuk Schedule II yaitu:  
Amfetamine, Dexamfetamine, Fenetylline, Levamfetamine, 
Levomethamphetamine, Mecloqualone, Metamfetamine, 
Metamfetamine, Racemate, Methaqualone, Methylphenidate, 
Phencyclidine, Phenmetrazine, Secobarbital, Dronabinol, Zepiprol. 
Bahan-bahan psikotropika  yang  termasuk Schedule III antara lain: 
Amobarbital, Buprenorphine, Butalbital, Cathine, Cyclobarbital, 
Flunitrazepam, Glutethimide, Pentazocine, Pentobarbital. 
Bahan-bahan psikotropika  yang  termasuk Schedule IV yaitu: 
Allobarbital, Alprazolam, Amfepramone, Aminorex, Barbital, 
Benzfetamine, Bromazepam, Butobarbital, Brotizolam, Camazepam, 
Chlordiazepoxide, Clobazam, Clonazepam, Clorazepate, Clotiazepam, 
Cloxazolam, Delorazepam, Diazepam, Estazolam, Ethchlorvynol, 
Ethinamate, Ethyl, Loflazepate, Etil, Amfetamine, Fencamfamin, 
Fenproporex, Fludiazepam, Flurazepam, Halazepam, Haloxazolam, 
Ketazolam, Lefetamine, Spa, Loprazolam, Lorazepam, 
Lormetazepam, Mazindol, Medazepam, Mefenorex, Meprobamate, 
Mesocarb, Methylphenobarbital, Methyprylon 
(i) “Manufacture” means all processes by which psychotropic substances 
may be obtained, and includes refining as well as the transformation 
of psychotropic substances into other psychotropic substances. The 
term also includes the making of preparations other than those made 
on prescription in pharmacies.  
j) “Illicit traffic” means manufacture of or trafficking in psychotropic 
substances contrary to the provisions of this Convention.  
 b. Pengaturan  mengenai kriminalisasi tindak  pidana dan pemidanaan: 
Article 22 Penal Provisions  : 
1. a) Subject to its constitutional limitations, each Party shall treat as a 
punishable offence, when committed intentionally, any action 
contrary to a law or regulation adopted in pursuance of its obligations 
under this Convention, and shall ensure that serious offences shall be 
liable to adequate punishment, particularly by imprisonment or other 
penalty of deprivation of liberty.  
2.  Subject to the constitutional limitations of a Party, its legal system and 
domestic law,  
a) i) If a series of related actions constituting offences under 
paragraph 1 has been committed in different countries, each of them 
shall be treated as a distinct offence;  
a) ii) Intentional participation in, conspiracy to commit and attempts 
to commit, any of such offences, and preparatory acts and financial 
operations in connexion with the offences referred to in this article, 
shall be punishable offences as provided in paragraph 1;  
a) iii) Foreign convictions for such offences shall be taken into 
account for the purpose of establishing recidivism;  
c.  Pengaturan  mengenai tindakan alternatif  lainnya : 
Article 22 Penal Provisions : 
1. b) Notwithstanding the preceding sub-paragraph, when abusers of 
psychotropic substances have committed such offences, the Parties may 
provide, either as an alternative to conviction or punishment or in addition 
to punishment, that such abusers undergo measures of treatment, 
education, after-care, rehabilitation and social reintegration in conformity 
with paragraph 1 of article 20.  
 d. Pengaturan mengenai jurisdiksi dan ekstradisi: 
Article 22 Penal Provisions : 
2. a)  iv) Serious offences heretofore referred to committed either by 
nationals or by foreigners shall be prosecuted by the Party in whose 
territory the offence was committed, or by the Party in whose territory the 
offender is found if extradition is not acceptable in conformity with the 
law of the Party to which application is made, and if such offender has not 
already been prosecuted and judgement given.  
2. b) It is desirable that the offences referred to in paragraph 1 and 
paragraph 2 a) ii) be included as extradition crimes in any extradition 
treaty which has been or may hereafter be concluded between any of the 
Parties, and, as between any of the Parties which do not make extradition 
conditional on the existence of a treaty or on reciprocity, be recognized as 
extradition crimes; provided that extradition shall be granted in 
conformity with the law of the Party to which application is made, and 
that the Party shall have the right to refuse to effect the arrest or grant the 
extradition in cases where the competent authorities consider that the 
offence is not sufficiently serious.  
e.   Pengaturan mengenai penyitaan : 
Article 22 Penal Provisions : 
3. Any psychotropic substance or other substance, as well as any 
equipment, used in or intended for the commission of any of the offences 
referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be liable to seizure and 
Dalam United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic 
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988  diatur kaidah-kaidah sebagai 
berikut  : 
a. Pengertian  : 
Article 1 Definitions : 
(j) "1971 Convention" means the Convention on Psychotropic 
Substances, 1971;  
(m) "Illicit traffic" means the offences set forth in article 3, paragraphs 1 
and 2, of this Convention; 
(r) "Psychotropic substance" means any substance, natural or synthetic, or 
any natural material in Schedules I, II, III and IV of the Convention 
on Psychotropic Substances, 1971. 
b. Tindak Pidana  : 
Article 3 Offences and Sanctions : 
1.   Each Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary to establish 
as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed 
(a) (i) The production, manufacture, extraction, preparation, offering, 
offering for sale, distribution, sale, delivery on any terms whatsoever, 
brokerage, dispatch, dispatch in transit, transport, importation or 
exportation of any narcotic drug or any psychotropic substance 
contrary to the provisions of the 1961 Convention, the 1961 
Convention as amended or the 1971 Convention; 
(ii) The cultivation of opium poppy, coca bush or cannabis plant for 
the purpose of the production of narcotic drugs contrary to the 
provisions of the 1961 Convention and the 1961 Convention as 
(iii) The possession or purchase of any narcotic drug or psychotropic 
substance for the purpose of any of the activities enumerated in (i) 
(iv) The manufacture, transport or distribution of equipment, materials 
or of substances listed in Table I and Table II, knowing that they are 
to be used in or for the illicit cultivation, production or manufacture of 
narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;  
(v) The organization, management or financing of any of the offences 
enumerated in (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) above 
(c) Subject to its constitutional principles and the basic concepts of its 
legal system:  
(i) The acquisition, possession or use of property, knowing, at the 
time of receipt, that such property was derived from an offence or 
offences established in accordance with subparagraph (a) of this 
paragraph or from an act of participation in such offence or offences;  
(ii) The possession of equipment or materials or substances listed in 
Table I and Table II, knowing that they are being or are to be used in 
or for the illicit cultivation, production or manufacture of narcotic 
drugs or psychotropic substances;  
(iii) Publicly inciting or inducing others, by any means, to commit any 
of the offences established in accordance with this article or to use 
narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances illicitly;  
(iv) Participation in, association or conspiracy to commit, attempts to 
commit and aiding, abetting, facilitating and counselling the 
commission of any of the offences established in accordance with this 
2.  Subject to its constitutional principles and the basic concepts of its 
legal system, each Party shall adopt such measures as may be 
necessary to establish as a criminal offence under its domestic law, 
when committed intentionally, the possession, purchase or cultivation 
of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances for personal 
consumption contrary to the provisions of the 1961 Convention, the 
1961 Convention as amended or the 1971 Convention.  
3.  Knowledge, intent or purpose required as an element of an offence set 
forth in paragraph 1 of this article may be inferred from objective 
factual circumstances 
c. Tindakan lainnya sebagai pidana tambahan atau alternatif : 
Article 3 Offences and Sanctions paragraph 4  : 
(b) The Parties may provide, in addition to conviction or punishment, for 
an offence established in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, that 
the offender shall undergo measures such as treatment, education, 
aftercare, rehabilitation or social reintegration.  
(c) Notwithstanding the preceding subparagraphs, in appropriate cases of 
a minor nature, the Parties may provide, as alternatives to conviction or 
punishment, measures such as education, rehabilitation or social 
reintegration, as well as, when the offender is a drug abuser, treatment 
and aftercare.  
(d) The Parties may provide, either as an alternative to conviction or 
punishment, or in addition to conviction or punishment of an offence 
established in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, measures for 
the treatment, education, aftercare, rehabilitation or social reintegration of 
the offender.  
d. Pemidanaan  
Article 3  Offences and Sanctions, paragraph 4 : 
(a) Each Party shall make the commission of the offences established in 
accordance with paragraph 1 of this article liable to sanctions which take 
into account the grave nature of these offences, such as imprisonment or 
other forms of deprivation of liberty, pecuniary sanctions and confiscation 
e. Jurisdiksi : 
Article 3 paragraph 5 : 
The Parties shall ensure that their courts and other competent authorities 
having jurisdiction can take into account factual circumstances which 
make the commission of the offences established in accordance with 
paragraph 1 of this article particularly serious, such as:  
(a) The involvement in the offence of an organized criminal group to 
which the offender belongs; (b) The involvement of the offender in other 
international organized criminal activities; (c) The involvement of the 
offender in other illegal activities facilitated by commission of the 
offence; (d) The use of violence or arms by the offender; (e) The fact that 
the offender holds a public office and that the offence is connected with 
the office in question; (f) The victimization or use of minors; (g) The fact 
that the offence is committed in a penal institution or in an educational 
institution or social service facility or in their immediate vicinity or in 
other places to which school children and students resort for educational, 
sports and social activities;  
(h) Prior conviction, particularly for similar offences, whether foreign or 
domestic, to the extent permitted under the domestic law of a Party 
Article 4 Jurisdiction : 
1.   Each Party:  
(a) Shall take such measures as may be necessary to establish its 
jurisdiction over the offences it has established in accordance with 
article 3, paragraph 1, when: (i) The offence is committed in its 
territory; (ii) The offence is committed on board a vessel flying its 
flag or an aircraft which is registered under its laws at the time the 
offence is committed;  
(b) May take such measures as may be necessary to establish its 
jurisdiction over the offences it has established in accordance with 
article 3, paragraph 1, when:  
(i) The offence is committed by one of its nationals or by a person 
who has his habitual residence in its territory;  
(ii) The offence is committed on board a vessel concerning which that 
Party has been authorized to take appropriate action pursuant to article 
17, provided that such jurisdiction shall be exercised only on the basis 
of agreements or arrangements referred to in paragraphs 4 and 9 of 
that article;  
(iii) The offence is one of those established in accordance with article 
3, paragraph 1, subparagraph (c)(iv), and is committed outside its 
territory with a view to the commission, within its territory, of an 
offence established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1.  
2.   Each Party:  
(a) Shall also take such measures as may be necessary to establish its 
jurisdiction over the offences it has established in accordance with 
article 3, paragraph 1, when the alleged offender is present in its 
territory and it does not extradite him to another Party on the ground:  
(i) That the offence has been committed in its territory or on board a 
vessel flying its flag or an aircraft which was registered under its law 
at the time the offence was committed; or  
(ii) That the offence has been committed by one of its nationals;  
(b) May also take such measures as may be necessary to establish its 
jurisdiction over the offences it has established in accordance with 
article 3, paragraph 1, when the alleged offender is present in its 
territory and it does not extradite him to another Party.  
3.  This Convention does not exclude the exercise of any criminal 
jurisdiction established by a Party in accordance with its domestic 
f. Penyitaan dan pemusnahan : 
Article 5  Confiscation : 
1. Each Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary to enable 
confiscation of:  
(a) Proceeds derived from offences established in accordance with 
article 3, paragraph 1, or property the value of which corresponds to 
that of such proceeds;  
(b) Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, materials and 
equipment or other instrumentalities used in or intended for use in any 
manner in offences established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 
2. Each Party shall also adopt such measures as may be necessary to 
enable its competent authorities to identify, trace, and freeze or seize 
proceeds, property, instrumentalities or any other things referred to in 
paragraph 1 of this article, for the purpose of eventual confiscation.  
g. Ekstradisi : 
Article 6 Extradition : 
1. This article shall apply to the offences established by the Parties in 
accordance with article 3, paragraph 1.  
2.  Each of the offences to which this article applies shall be deemed to be 
included as an extraditable offence in any extradition treaty existing 
between Parties. The Parties undertake to include such offences as 
extraditable offences in every extradition treaty to be concluded 
between them.  
3.  If a Party which makes extradition conditional on the existence of a 
treaty receives a request for extradition from another Party with which 
it has no extradition treaty, it may consider this Convention as the 
legal basis for extradition in respect of any offence to which this 
article applies. The Parties which require detailed legislation in order 
to use this Convention as a legal basis for extradition shall consider 
enacting such legislation as may be necessary.  
4.  The Parties which do not make extradition conditional on the existence 
of a treaty shall recognize offences to which this article applies as 
extraditable offences between themselves.  
5.  Extradition shall be subject to the conditions provided for by the law 
of the requested Party or by applicable extradition treaties, including 
the grounds upon which the requested Party may refuse extradition.  
6.  In considering requests received pursuant to this article, the requested 
State may refuse to comply with such requests where there are 
substantial grounds leading its judicial or other competent authorities 
to believe that compliance would facilitate the prosecution or 
punishment of any person on account of his race, religion, nationality 
or political opinions, or would cause prejudice for any of those 
reasons to any person affected by the request.  
7. The Parties shall endeavour to expedite extradition procedures and to 
simplify evidentiary requirements relating thereto in respect of any 
offence to which this article applies.  
8.  Subject to the provisions of its domestic law and its extradition 
treaties, the requested Party may, upon being satisfied that the 
circumstances so warrant and are urgent, and at the request of the 
requesting Party, take a person whose extradition is sought and who is 
present in its territory into custody or take other appropriate measures 
to ensure his presence at extradition proceedings.  
9.  Without prejudice to the exercise of any criminal jurisdiction 
established in accordance with its domestic law, a Party in whose 
territory an alleged offender is found shall:  
(a) If it does not extradite him in respect of an offence established in 
accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, on the grounds set forth in 
article 4, paragraph 2, subparagraph (a), submit the case to its 
competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution, unless otherwise 
agreed with the requesting Party;  
(b) If it does not extradite him in respect of such an offence and has 
established its jurisdiction in relation to that offence in accordance 
with article 4, paragraph 2, subparagraph (b), submit the case to its 
competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution, unless otherwise 
requested by the requesting Party for the purposes of preserving its 
legitimate jurisdiction.  
10. If extradition, sought for purposes of enforcing a sentence, is refused 
because the person sought is a national of the requested Party, the 
requested Party shall, if its law so permits and in conformity with the 
requirements of such law, upon application of the requesting Party, 
consider the enforcement of the sentence which has been imposed 
under the law of the requesting Party, or the remainder thereof.  
11. The Parties shall seek to conclude bilateral and multilateral 
agreements to carry out or to enhance the effectiveness of extradition.  
12. The Parties may consider entering into bilateral or multilateral 
agreements, whether ad hoc or general, on the transfer to their country 
of persons sentenced to imprisonment and other forms of deprivation 
of liberty for offences to which this article applies, in order that they 
may complete their sentences there. 
h. Mutual Legal Assistance : 
Article 7 Mutual Legal Assistance : 
1.  The Parties shall afford one another, pursuant to this article, the 
widest measure of mutual legal assistance in investigations, 
prosecutions and judicial proceedings in relation to criminal offences 
established in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1.  
2.  Mutual legal assistance to be afforded in accordance with this article 
may be requested for any of the following purposes: (a) Taking 
evidence or statements from persons; (b) Effecting service of judicial 
documents; (c) Executing searches and seizures; (d) Examining 
objects and sites; (e) Providing information and evidentiary items; (f) 
Providing originals or certified copies of relevant documents and 
records, including bank, financial, corporate or business records; (g) 
Identifying or tracing proceeds, property, instrumentalities or other 
things for evidentiary purposes.  
3. The Parties may afford one another any other forms of mutual legal 
assistance allowed by the domestic law of the requested Party.  
4.  Upon request, the Parties shall facilitate or encourage, to the extent 
consistent wit their domestic law and practice, the presence or 
availability of persons, including persons in custody, who consent to 
assist in investigations or participate in proceedings.  
5.  A Party shall not decline to render mutual legal assistance under this 
article on the ground of bank secrecy.  
6.  The provisions of this article shall not affect the obligations under any 
other treaty, bilateral or multilateral, which governs or will govern, in 
whole or in part, mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.  
7.  Paragraphs 8 to 19 of this article shall apply to requests made 
pursuant to this article if the Parties in question are not bound by a 
treaty of mutual legal assistance. If these Parties are bound by such a 
treaty, the corresponding provisions of that treaty shall apply unless 
the Parties agree to apply paragraphs 8 to 19 of this article in lieu 
8.  Parties shall designate an authority, or when necessary authorities, 
which shall have the responsibility and power to execute requests for 
mutual legal assistance or to transmit them to the competent 
authorities for execution. The authority or the authorities designated 
for this purpose shall be notified to the Secretary-General. 
Transmission of requests for mutual legal assistance and any 
communication related thereto shall be effected between the 
authorities designated by the Parties; this requirement shall be without 
prejudice to the right of a Party to require that such requests and 
communications be addressed to it through the diplomatic channel 
and, in urgent circumstances, where the Parties agree, through 
channels of the International Criminal Police Organization, if 
9. Requests shall be made in writing in a language acceptable to the 
requested Party. The language or languages acceptable to each Party 
shall be notified to the Secretary-General. In urgent circumstances, 
and where agreed by the Parties, requests may be made orally, but 
shall be confirmed in writing forthwith.  
10. A request for mutual legal assistance shall contain: (a) The identity of 
the authority making the request; (b) The subject matter and nature of 
the investigation, prosecution or proceeding to which the request 
relates, and the name and the functions of the authority conducting 
such investigation, prosecution or proceeding; (c) A summary of the 
relevant facts, except in respect of requests for the purpose of service 
of judicial documents; (d) A description of the assistance sought and 
details of any particular procedure the requesting Party wishes to be 
followed; (e) Where possible, the identity, location and nationality of 
any person concerned; (f) The purpose for which the evidence, 
information or action is sought.  
11. The requested Party may request additional information when it 
appears necessary for the execution of the request in accordance with 
its domestic law or when it can facilitate such execution.  
12. A request shall be executed in accordance with the domestic law of 
the requested Party and, to the extent not contrary to the domestic law 
of the requested Party and where possible, in accordance with the 
procedures specified in the request.  
13. The requesting Party shall not transmit nor use information or 
evidence furnished by the requested Party for investigations, 
prosecutions or proceedings other than those stated in the request 
without the prior consent of the requested Party.  
14. The requesting Party may require that the requested Party keep 
confidential the fact and substance of the request, except to the extent 
necessary to execute the request. If the requested Party cannot comply 
with the requirement of confidentiality, it shall promptly inform the 
requesting Party.  
15. Mutual legal assistance may be refused: (a) If the request is not made 
in conformity with the provisions of this article; (b) If the requested 
Party considers that execution of the request is likely to prejudice its 
sovereignty, security, ordure public or other essential interests; (c) If 
the authorities of the requested Party would be prohibited by its 
domestic law from carrying out the action requested with regard to 
any similar offence, had it been subject to investigation, prosecution 
or proceedings under their own jurisdiction; (d) If it would be contrary 
to the legal system of the requested Party relating to mutual legal 
assistance for the request to be granted. 
16. Reasons shall be given for any refusal of mutual legal assistance. 
17. Mutual legal assistance may be postponed by the requested Party on 
the ground that it interferes with an ongoing investigation, prosecution 
or proceeding. In such a case, the requested Party shall consult with 
the requesting Party to determine if the assistance can still be given 
subject to such terms and conditions as the requested Party deems 
18. A witness, expert or other person who consents to give evidence in a 
proceeding or to assist in an investigation, prosecution or judicial 
proceeding in the territory of the requesting Party, shall not be 
prosecuted, detained, punished or subjected to any other restriction of 
his personal liberty in that territory in respect of acts, omissions or 
convictions prior to his departure from the territory of the requested 
Party. Such safe conduct shall cease when the witness, expert or other 
person having had, for a period of fifteen consecutive days, or for any 
period agreed upon by the Parties, from the date on which he has been 
officially informed that his presence is no longer required by the 
judicial authorities, an opportunity of leaving, has nevertheless 
remained voluntarily in the territory or, having left it, has returned of 
his own free will.  
19. The ordinary costs of executing a request shall be borne by the 
requested Party, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties concerned. If 
expenses of a substantial or extraordinary nature are or will be 
required to fulfil the request, the Parties shall consult to determine the 
terms and conditions under which the request will be executed as well 
as the manner in which the costs shall be borne.  
20. The Parties shall consider, as may be necessary, the possibility of 
concluding bilateral or multilateral agreements or arrangements that 
would serve the purposes of, give practical effect to, or enhance the 
provisions of this article 
i. Transfer of Proceeding : 
Article 8  Transfer of Proceeding : 
The Parties shall give consideration to the possibility of transferring to 
one another proceedings for criminal prosecution of offences established 
in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, in cases where such transfer is 
considered to be in the interests of a proper administration of justice. 
d) Undang-undang No. 22 Tahun 1997 tentang Narkotika 
Undang-undang Narkotika 1997 merupakan Undang-undang pelaksana dari 
ratifikasi Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 melalui Undang-undang 
No. 8 Tahun 1976 tentang Pengesahan Konvensi Tunggal Narkotika 1961 dan 
United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and 
Psychotropic Substances, 1988  melalui Undang-undang No. 7 Tahun 1997, 
sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam Konsiderans Mengingat angka 2 dan 4. 
Konvensi Narkotika dan Psikotropika 1988 menyempurnakan pengaturan 
tindak pidana narkotika yang diatur dalam Konvensi Tunggal Narkotika 1961. 
Berbeda dengan Undang-undang Psikotropika, pembentukan Undang-undang 
Narkotika dilakukan sesudah  ratifikasi Konvensi Narkotika dan Psikotropika 
1988. Sehingga dapat dilihat bahwa Undang-undang Narkotika 1997 
merupakan implementing legislation dari ratifikasi Konvensi Narkotika dan 
Psikotropika 1988 ini . Sebelum diundangkannya Undang-undang 
Narkotika 1997, Indonesia sudah memiliki Undang-undang Narkotika, yaitu 
Undang-undang  No. 9 Tahun 1976 yang merupakan Undang-undang 
pelaksana dari ratifikasi Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 beserta 
protokol perubahannya dan kemudian dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi 
berdasar  Undang-undang Narkotika 1997 ini . 
Kaidah-kaidah hukum yang diatur   dalam United Nations Convention 
Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 
yang menjadi dasar pembentukan Undang-undang Narkotika  sama dengan 
yang diuraikan dalam angka 3 tentang Undang-undang Psikotropika, sebab  
Konvensi ini  mengatur sekaligus baik narkotika maupun  psikotropika.   
e) Undang-undang No. 15 Tahun 2003 tentang Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah 
Pengganti Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 2002 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak 
Pidana Terorisme menjadi Undang-undang. 
Undang-undang Terorisme tidak dapat dikatakan sebagai undang-undang 
pelaksana atau undang-undang yang mengadopsi kaidah-kaidah hukumnya 
dari perjanjian-perjanjian internasional tentang terorisme yang sudah ada 
sebelumnya, seperti  Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of 
Terrorism 1938, International Convention For the Suppression of Terrorist 
Bombings, 1997 dan International Convention for the Suppression of the 
Financing of Terrorism, 1999. Dilihat dari proses pembentukannya Undang-
undang Terorisme dibentuk sebab  terjadinya kasus Bom Bali dan kaidah-
kaidah hukum pidananya mengacu pada Undang-undang Tindak Pidana 
Penerbangan. Negara Indonesia baru meratifikasi perjanjian internasional 
tentang terorisme pada tahun 2006, yaitu Undang-undang No. 5 Tahun 2006 
tentang Pengesahan International Convention For the Suppression of Terrorist 
Bombings, 1997 (Konvensi Internasional Pemberantasan Pengeboman oleh 
Teroris, 1997) dan Undang-undang No. 6 Tahun 2006 tentang Pengesahan 
International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, 
1999 (Konvensi Internasional Pemberantasan Pendanaan Terorisme, 1999).  
Kaidah-kaidah hukum pidana yang diatur dalam International Convention For 
the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, 1997 antara lain : 

a.   Pengertian : 
      Article 1 : 
3. "Explosive or other lethal device" means:  
(a) An explosive or incendiary weapon or device that is designed, or 
has the capability, to cause death, serious bodily injury or substantial 
material damage; or  
(b) A weapon or device that is designed, or has the capability, to cause 
death, serious bodily injury or substantial material damage through the 
release, dissemination or impact of toxic chemicals, biological agents 
or toxins or similar substances or radiation or radioactive material.  
b.   Tindak Pidana :  
      Article 2 : 
1.  Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention 
if that person unlawfully and intentionally delivers, places, discharges 
or detonates an explosive or other lethal device in, into or against a 
place of public use, a State or government facility, a public 
transportation system or an infrastructure facility:  
(a) With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or  
(b) With the intent to cause extensive destruction of such a place, 
facility or system, where such destruction results in or is likely to 
result in major economic loss.  
2.  Any person also commits an offence if that person attempts to commit 
an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 of the present article. 
3.  Any person also commits an offence if that person :  
(a) Participates as an accomplice in an offence as set forth in 
paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article; or  
(b) Organizes or directs others to commit an offence as set forth in 
paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article; or  
(c) In any other way contributes to the commission of one or more 
offences as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article by a 
group of persons acting with a common purpose; such contribution 
shall be intentional and either be made with the aim of furthering the 
general criminal activity or purpose of the group or be made in the 
knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the offence or 
offences concerned.  
c.   Kriminalisasi tindak pidana dan pemidanaan : 
      Article 4 : 
Each State Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary:  

(a) To establish as criminal offences under its domestic law the offences 
set forth in article 2 of this Convention;  
(b) To make those offences punishable by appropriate penalties which 
take into account the grave nature of those offences.  
d.   Jurisdiksi : 
      Article 6 : 
1.  Each State Party shall take such measures as may be necessary to 
establish its jurisdiction over the offences set forth in article 2 when:  
(a) The offence is committed in the territory of that State; or  
(b) The offence is committed on board a vessel flying the flag of that 
State or an aircraft which is registered under the laws of that State at 
the time the offence is committed; or  
(c) The offence is committed by a national of that State.  
2.  A State Party may also establish its jurisdiction over any such offence 
(a) The offence is committed against a national of that State; or  
(b) The offence is committed against a State or government facility of 
that State abroad, including an embassy or other diplomatic or 
consular premises of that State; or  
(c) The offence is committed by a stateless person who has his or her 
habitual residence in the territory of that State; or  
(d) The offence is committed in an attempt to compel that State to do 
or abstain from doing any act; or  
(e) The offence is committed on board an aircraft which is operated by 
the Government of that State. 
e. Ekstradisi : 
Article 9 : 
1. The offences set forth in article 2 shall be deemed to be included as 
extraditable offences in any extradition treaty existing between any of 
the States Parties before the entry into force of this Convention